March 20, 2025


Protected: Brazil’s Neo-Extractivist Trap

Dependency patterns at the dusk of neoliberalism

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Further Reading
A encruzilhada fiscal de Lula

A luta por justiça social contra a austeridade determinará o destino do terceiro governo Lula e, talvez, da própria democracia brasileira

Peripheral Conditionalities

A new dependency theory?

Controlling Capital

Inflation targeting and external vulnerabilities in the Brazilian economy

A luta por justiça social contra a austeridade determinará o destino do terceiro governo Lula e, talvez, da própria democracia brasileira

A luta por justiça social no capitalismo passa necessariamente por aquilo que o Presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva diz ser o lema da política econômica e social de seu…

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A new dependency theory?

The need to reorganize global governance so as to make space for a growing  China has long been apparent. With the financial crisis of 2008, another demand emerged: the reshaping…

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Inflation targeting and external vulnerabilities in the Brazilian economy

Central banks are back in the spotlight. After more than three decades of low inflation in rich countries, the rise in prices observed between 2021 and 2023 forced academic discussions…

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