Sabine Lamour received her Ph.D. in sociology, and since 2015 has been working with Haitian women's organizations as a feminist activist and an independent consultant at both rural and urban levels. She teaches courses at the Universite d’Etat d’Haiti and also served as SOFA (Haitian Women in Solidarity)’s national coordinator for five years. She is interested in topics in her academic work, and also in her activism such as family relationships, gender, piracy, slavery, colorism, family dynamics generally in the Caribbean and Haiti’s political system. She co-published a book titled Déjouer le Silence: Contre-discours sur les Femmes Haïtiennes. Lamour is the author of a English-language article titled “Between Intersectionality and Coloniality: Re-reading the Figure of the Potomitan Woman in Haiti.”
Ocupação militar, violência de gangues e revolta popular
Na crise do Haiti, não basta questionar quem são as gangues, mas também por que as gangues, e por que agora.